Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tied together with a smile...but I'm coming undone.

I don't really have time to write. But nothing really has changed.
Most of my friends are away on vacation and the few, and by few meaning Marisa, that are here are total crap. I told you nothing has changed didn't I?

I just don't know anymore. I've been so depressed lately.
Marisa texted me early this morning and asked if I wanted to hang out with her and Gigi.
When I talked to her online she said Gigi said she couldn't hang out then and with that being said Marisa decided her time could be better spent doing something else then hang out with only me.

At around four oclock I started sending Marisa text messages half-hourly asking her if she wanted to hang out. 2 hours and 4 texts messages later I decided to take direct action and call her house phone. When she heard it was me her voice changed from chipper to guilty yet bothered. She said she had to go to dinner with her parents and in an attempt to try and smooth over the situation she offered to MAYBE hang out with me and Gigi after. But at that point I really didn't want to see her anymore.

On the brightside in result of having intolerable friends I managed to read two riveting books in the course of 24 hours. Ok well maybe only one of them was truely riveting. The other was a guilty pleasure that coincidentally revolved around blogging.

Winter, the main character from the last book I read, and I have a lot in common. You see in the book Kiss&Blog Winter and her BFF Sloane were each others only friends and the summer before tenth grade (same summer I am painfully undergoing) they decide to turn their lives around and become popular. They make a pact that whoever gets "in" first will help the other "in". But Sloane gets caught up in all the glam of being in the "in" crowd that she dumps Winter. Winter then befriends the dorky new kid that happens to be working at her Mother's cafe. He ends up putting together a pretty decent group of people for them to hang out with and Winter ends up totally falling in love with him. (what teen girl book would it be if she didnt?!) ANYWAY I'm getting tired of dragging out the entire book so I'll just get to the point. Winter starts and anonymous blog (HEHE just like ME!) and starts posting all of Sloanes secrets. Although she never uses anyones actual name, people in her school actually start reading her blog! AND THEY LOVE IT! But of course things get crazy and...well you'll just have to read it and find out yourself! haha.

OK. I personally have had enough to do with books for today. So I'm gonna go sleep for as long as humanly possible. I figure the more I sleep, the less I have to live through my all too depressing, lonely life.

Sweet dreams fellow bloggers!

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